Friday, July 29, 2016

Does Music Filled With Sex, Drugs & Violence Affect Your Teens Behavior?

Does Music Filled With Sex, Drugs & Violence Affect Your Teens Behavior?

This is somewhat of a controversial issue. Does sex, violence, and drug use in movies, music, and video games affect teenagers behaviors?

While some people say it has no affect, others state it can have a dramatic affect and streers teens to these behaviors. 

While I agree that a teenager playing Call of Duty on the Playstation is not going to make them run around on a killing spree, I do strongly believe that messages in music and movies can affect a teens behavior.
music glorifying drug use
Does Music Glorifying Drugs, Violence & Sex Affect Your Childs Behavior?

First off let's think about it. When your going for a workout or a run do you put on a certain type of music? You most likely do. Why do you do that? Because it motivates you or it pumps you up. I think this is proof in itself that music affects our behavior. Another example would be when your having a romantic moment with your spouse or boyfriend or girlfriend. Have you ever put on a certain type of music to "set the mood"? Again, that proves that music can affect our mood and attitudes.

With that being said what do you think a teen who listens to music about sex, or drugs or violence is going to do. Is that going to have some affect on their behavior?

Now to some extent I would agree probably the vast majority of teenagers who listen to music aren't going to run out and mimic the behavior. In many instances people don't really even pay attention to the lyrics of a song, they just like the beat of the song. 

That said I can attest to music shaping my behavior as a teen personally. I remember as a teenager I was into rap music. I was also a bit into selling pot as well. What do you think I listened to when I was bagging up marijuana? I listened to rap music glorifying selling drugs. 

While I don't think every teen who listens to violent, sexual, or drug glorifying music will wind up engaging in those behaviors, I do believe some teenagers will affected to some extent or another by those messages. 

Now your the parent, you can decide what your kids and teens should and shouldn't listen to. While I think it would be appropriate not to let your middle school student pickup the new 50 Cent CD, once a teenager is in high school, it's my personal opinion you maybe shouldn't police their music selection. Let's be honest even mainstream music on the radio glorifies sex, drugs and violence so it's a part of pop culture. Aside from forcing your child to go Amish, most music that high schoolers are into is going to have some messages or inuendo your maybe not a fan of but I would suggest you choose your battles. That said keep an eye on the types of music and things your child is into. If all the sudden they are into EDM dance music and raves, you may want to keep an eye out for drug use. While it's entirely possible they just enjoy the music, it could also be a sign of other things. 

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